This page is intended as a refrence for places available to go hiking, cycling, fishing, etc, within reasonable distance from Clearfield UT. You can put stuff in for anywhere if you really feel like it. The locations are pinned via latitude/longitude, and with this we can find recreation opportunities around camp locations and vise-versa. Hopefully this will be helpful.
Sorting can be done by clicking on the headers at the top of the table. Putting your loction data in below will update the "distance" column in the table data, then you can click the Distance header to sort by things closest to you. Distances are straight-line distance, so plan for a little more driving than that. Enjoy.
Showing 1 of 8 possible sites.
Showing Results within 100 miles of specified location.
Location | Info | Distance (Miles) |
Hiawatha Bike Trail |
| 0 |